Intellectual Property Day


World Telecommunication and Information Society Day

Accelerating Digital Transformation in challenging times The COVID-19 crisis has not only highlighted the critical role of information and communication technologies (ICTs) for continued functioning of societies but has also brought to the fore the startling digital inequalities between and within countries. ITU Members have stepped up and engaged in activities that have proven essential […]

Week van Burgerschap

Over Week van Burgerschap Over de term burgerschap zijn verschillende interpretaties. Want hoe bereiden we onze leerlingen zo goed mogelijk voor op hun plek in de maatschappij? Is dat met kennis over de rechtsstaat of met sociaal emotionele lessen? Of is burgerschap juist vooral doen, met een kinderraad, sponsorloop of een bezoek aan de Tweede […]


20 december 10:00 - 17:00 Our Learning Community. You can register for an online training event when you have the support of your teacher and maybe also a librarian to gather in your (school)library. Practice all the skills you need to start a school newspaper in a (school) day: - Interview techniques - Your own […]


20 march 10:00 - 17:00 Our Learning Community. You can register for an online training event when you have the support of your teacher and maybe also a librarian to gather in your (school)library. Practice all the skills you need to start a school newspaper in a (school) day: - Interview techniques - Your own […]


3 may december 10:00 - 17:00 Our Learning Community. You can register for an online training event when you have the support of your teacher and maybe also a librarian to gather in your (school)library. Practice all the skills you need to start a school newspaper in a (school) day: - Interview techniques - Your […]

Arendalsuka 2023

Arendalsuka is the largest political gathering in Norway held annually since 2012. The event’s mission is clear: strengthen the belief in political empowerment and democracy through open debate and involvement. Arendalsuka is the result of co-creation between national and local political parties, NGO's, universities, research institutions, private companies and the Municipality of Arendal. Arendalsuka takes […]

Who Does What for Children? In the World!

Arendal Bibliotek Torvet 6, Arendal, Norway

To kick off the Arendalsuka 2023 ChildPress reporters present the international results of what they have discovered in the past year. This event gives you a trip around the world: from Arendal, to Birmingham, to Toronto, to Amsterdam, to New York, to Ghana, to Strasbourg and beyond! Which people have had the greatest impact on […]


Who Does What for Children? In Arendal!

Arendal Bibliotek Torvet 6, Arendal, Norway

To finish the week the reporters of ChildPress Arendal showcase the people they interviewed last week and who have the most impact on changing those statistics that really matter to them. Stories both small and big will be shared to show that behind those numbers the lives of real people are impacted. This event is […]


ChildPress News Agency x UN International Day of Democracy

GET YOUR FREE TICKET HERE! On 15 September, ChildPress News Agency will celebrate the UN International Day of Democracy, with a press conference at 15:00 @droog (Staalstraat 7B 1011JJ Amsterdam) where young reporters will show locals their talents to make freedom of speech and democracy work! Come to experience how they are visualizing the latest […]

International Day of Education

Wie doet er wat voor Kinderrechten? ChildPress reporters publiceren over de volwassenen die daadwerkelijk wat doen voor kinderrechten. Op 24 januari is het de Internationale Dag van het Onderwijs. Daarom organiseren wij een ChildPress Lobby-diner en Persconferentie voor Kinderrechten. “Covering Children's Rights Now!” Locatie: Droog Design, Staalstraat 7B, Amsterdam, van 16:00 tot 19:30 uur. Politici, […]