Accelerating Digital Transformation in challenging times The COVID-19 crisis has not only highlighted the critical role of information and communication technologies (ICTs) for continued functioning of societies but has also brought to the fore the startling digital inequalities between and within countries. ITU Members have stepped up and engaged in activities that have proven essential […]
Over Week van Burgerschap Over de term burgerschap zijn verschillende interpretaties. Want hoe bereiden we onze leerlingen zo goed mogelijk voor op hun plek in de maatschappij? Is dat met […]
20 december 10:00 - 17:00 Our Learning Community. You can register for an online training event when you have the support of your teacher and maybe also a librarian to […]
20 march 10:00 - 17:00 Our Learning Community. You can register for an online training event when you have the support of your teacher and maybe also a librarian to […]
3 may december 10:00 - 17:00 Our Learning Community. You can register for an online training event when you have the support of your teacher and maybe also a librarian […]
Arendalsuka is the largest political gathering in Norway held annually since 2012. The event’s mission is clear: strengthen the belief in political empowerment and democracy through open debate and involvement. […]
To kick off the Arendalsuka 2023 ChildPress reporters present the international results of what they have discovered in the past year. This event gives you a trip around the world: […]
To finish the week the reporters of ChildPress Arendal showcase the people they interviewed last week and who have the most impact on changing those statistics that really matter to […]
GET YOUR FREE TICKET HERE! On 15 September, ChildPress News Agency will celebrate the UN International Day of Democracy, with a press conference at 15:00 @droog (Staalstraat 7B 1011JJ Amsterdam) […]
Watch here the Move by-video's of our (new) ChildPress reporters on what moves them and on which subject they want to work. […]
An exhibition about the ‘safe spaces’ in Arendal. Where are the places where children can safely gather to discover their talents? And who are the people who are ready for […]
To kick off the Arendal Week 2023 ChildPress reporters present the international results of what they have discovered in the past year. This event gives you a trip around the […]
To finish the week the reporters of ChildPress Arendal showcase the people they interviewed last week and who have the most impact on changing those statistics that really matter to […]
Follow the power of the youth! This month, we had the opportunity to cover both the Summit of the Future and the UN General Assembly in New York. It was […]