17 In the days that follow, Leander engages in conversations with numerous local politicians, and each one pledges to support his cause.


“NRK Sheds Spotlight on Gifted Children’s Cause: Leander and County Mayor Take on Education Legislation”
Norway’s national broadcaster, NRK, brings Leander’s cause to the forefront.
They create a significant piece on gifted children and how he, along with the County Mayor, is working towards amending the Education Act.
NRK puts Minister of Education Tonje Brenna on the spot, pressing for answers.
They note that she avoids directly addressing NRK’s questions regarding Leander’s plea to amend the Education Act.
At the same time, she assures NRK that she wants to meet with Leander alongside Thomassen to discuss the proposed legislation.
The story gained widespread attention in national media, including newspapers, television, and radio broadcasts.

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